Text color


Sets text foreground color to rgb(0,0,0).

foreground(std::uint8_t rgandb)

Sets text foreground color to rgb(rgandb,rgandb,rgandb).

foreground(std::uint8_t r, std::uint8_t g, std::uint8_t b)

Sets text foreground color to rgb(r,g,b).


Sets text background color to rgb(0,0,0).

background(std::uint8_t rgandb)

Sets text background color to rgb(rgandb,rgandb,rgandb).

background(std::uint8_t r, std::uint8_t g, std::uint8_t b)

Sets text background color to rgb(r,g,b).

inverse(bool offon = true)

Start (or stop) swapping last known foreground and background colors.

Reset all attributes


Resets all attributes to default.

foreground and background derive from struct rgb.

#include <iostream>
#include "wash_separately.h"

int main() {
    wash_separately ws(std::cout);
    ws << "Hello, " << foreground(0,0,255) << "world" << reset() << "!\n";
    return 0;
Hello, world!


Changing intensity

intensity(font_intensity level = 2)

Change font color intensity.

Adding lines

underline(bool offon = true)

Underlines affected text.

overline(bool offon = true)

Overlines affected text.

strikethrough(bool offon = true)

Strikes through affected text.

Various markup attributes

framed(bool offon = true)

Draws a frame around affected text.

encircled(bool offon = true)

Encircles affected text.

blink(bool offon = true, bool fast = false)

Makes affected text blink. Optional second argument supporting terminals are few.

Vertical alignment currently only affects columns.

#include <iostream>
#include "wash_separately.h"

int main() {
    wash_separately ws(std::cout);
    ws << "Hello, " << underline(true) << "world" << underline(false) << "!\n";
    return 0;
Hello, world!


Font style

font(font_index i)

Where supported, change the font of affected text to number i.

italic(bool offon = true)

Where supported, makes affected text appear in italic.
