Grimoire is opening soon!

This will be where we publish our C++ libraries. Source code available, and commercial use option offered.

There will be reference manuals online, as well as regular addition of mostly technical articles.

You can enter your email address to be alerted of our launch.

Here's our data policy.

The book is always better.

Our mission:

To save you implementation time in C++.

Whenever a new need becomes apparent to us, our work to make a solution effortlessly available to you begins.

With our solutions, you gain possibilities, while staying clear of associated problems, and we help you reduce development cost.


As a book of spells mainly comprises words assumed to exert an effect on the world, so does our repertoire of libraries consist of written words, the source code, to which much the same effect could be ascribed.


What's coming:

  • EnFrame (layoutstream and wash_separately): Stream-oriented layout system with interchangeable renderers.
  • NewDelhi: Memory management, a novel serialization method, and fast general cross-program-lifetime persistence.
  • Sequint: Exhaustive list of template functionality for uniformly handling sequences, whether of types or values.
  • Overflow-proof multiprecision math
  • Holor algebra, because a tensor is so specific.
  • Exotic floating-point scalar handling
  • OS wrappers so good you'll want to discard their contents
  • Various std:: container improvements (but with nothing missing)
  • And more

All of our C++ libraries are thoroughly tested with g++ and clang++. We may add other compilers to this list on popular request.
